Monday, May 6, 2013

Thinking of Jena

Thank you for taking interest in this season of my life and joining me in prayer over this adventure! While following this blog, you will be kept up to date on my life living in Jena, Germany as well as my spiritual musings and events leading up to my exciting departure. I hope to share fun things I learn while preparing for German living, and maybe even a recipe or two!

If I haven't already told you the long story of how I got to this point, let me share the short version.
In August 2012, I applied to be a Journeyman through the International Mission Board. A Journeyman serves a two year term with ministries in countries all over the world. Through MUCH paperwork, I went to Expo in February. Expo, for anyone considering this experience in the future, is one of the most intense few days I have ever lived. A long list of job requests is given to you and you have to choose your top three jobs by the end of the Expo. While it was stressful, I have never been so aware of both the need all over the globe and the amazing love of God for all people from all nations. After I turned in my top three, I waited a few weeks and received a phone call telling me I had been placed in Jena, Germany! I will be working with a ministry called Connexxion which is focused on reaching the campus of the University of Jena through connections with other students and with God. This adventure begins officially in July when I will go to Richmond, Virginia for 8 weeks of training. After those 8 weeks, I will return home for a few days and fly out to Germany in late September.
As I prepare for these next steps, I am studying the city. It's history, important people, landmarks, and location are helping me understand more and more the heart of the city. I am also beginning to study German. The bulk of my language study will happen once I get settled in Jena, but I want to go ahead and at least familiarize myself with it a bit. Pray for me in these studies that I may be diligent and retain what I learn.
Other things you can be praying for include:
This is my first move away from home. Like ever. If you know my family, you know how close we are and I know that the first while away from home will be difficult. Be praying for my whole family in the first waves of this separation. 

Be praying for spiritual strength as I am taken out of my very church-centered life and placed into Jena, where that won't be the case.

Pray for those who I will be in contact with when I arrive.  I will be there just before the semester begins, so I will quickly meet tons of new people and get to know them.  Pray that I will "not see anyone in a purely human way" but as Christ sees them. (2 Cor 5:16)

Thank you again for your support as I take this leap!